Shory App | Website | Admin
Cross-Platform Development, Web Development

Project Overview

Shory is an insurance technology company based in the UAE. With the mission of making insurance more accessible, convenient, and transparent. Shory uses technology to simplify the insurance process, allowing customers to compare quotes, purchase policies, and file claims online. The company also offers a wide range of insurance products, including car insurance, health insurance, and travel insurance.
I worked as a Lead Frontend Developer at Shory Motors for the past 2+ years. During this time, I was responsible for the development and maintenance of the company’s mobile app and website. I also played a leadership role in onboarding and mentoring new hires and helping to improve the team’s code quality.


  • Mentored and onboarded new team members by setting up the project on their machines and providing necessary access and permissions.
  • Conducted meetings to educate new team members about the business and system flow.
  • Assigned small bugs/tasks to gradually to build familiarity with the project codebase.
  • Guided them to collaborate with QA team, business team, and other team members.
  • Participated in agile development processes, including sprint planning, daily standups, retrospectives and helped define project scope and timelines.
  • Conducted code reviews to ensure adherence to coding standards and ensured thorough testing.
  • Supported and shared knowledge with the Shory team.
  • Motivated and recognized the team’s accomplishments through formal mid-year and annual performance reviews.
  • Provided ongoing support and knowledge sharing within the Shory team.


  • Implemented various UI enhancements all over the mobile app.
  • Implemented various animations such as animating the screens of quote list, quote details, and policy details for better UX and data viewing.
  • Enhanced overall performance and code quality of the mobile app by replacing ScrollViews with FlatLists, implementing caching, and reducing unnecessary re-renders.
  • Worked closely with the team to enhance and add the missing features and to polish the app to get it ready for launch and continued to enhance the mobile app post-launch.
  • Added Arabic support.
  • Added support for Push notifications using Notifee.
  • Added a the splash screen and worked with LottieAnimation.
  • Added a new onboarding screen with awesome animations.
  • Added a brand new landing page.
  • Added autofill support to the OTP screens.
  • Replaced all PNG icons with SVG icons.
  • Worked with Firebase Crashlytics and later Sentry to hunt for crashes and fix them.
  • Worked on the payment integration of Checkout, Tabby, and Apple Pay.
  • Worked on the biometric login.
  • Worked with the unit scale to make the app look perfectly on various screen sizes.
  • Integrated Zendesk chat and later Microsoft Omnichannel into the mobile app.
  • Optimized the multiple cars screen to load 100+ vehicles in 0.2 seconds instead of 1:20 minutes.
  • Conducted extensive research and testing to select the best packages and implementations for various functionalities, and upgrading React Native versions.
  • Utilized Git hooks such as Husky to lint code, typecheck, enforce branch naming, and eliminate errors before committing and pushing the code.
  • Kept React Native version up to date by upgrading on a regular basis.


  • Developed responsive web, mobile, and tablet UI using Chakra UI
  • Completely designed and implemented the new Shory landing page, Help screen, claims, and compare quotes sections for desktop, tablet, and responsive layouts.
  • Worked on various pages such as QuoteList, Policy review, Cancellation, and Claims.
  • Enhanced the performance of the multiple vehicle screen by moving to FlatList and using lazy loading for images.
  • Implemented features such as autofill OTP, trade discount, and created the drawer menu for mobile view.
  • Consolidated code to avoid duplication and double work and improve maintainability.


  • Recreated the Shory Admin from scratch using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.
  • Established the project architecture, folder structure and navigation.
  • Implemented authentication and authorization with Microsoft Identity, roles, and permissions.
  • Utilized Git hooks such as Husky to lint code, typecheck, enforce branch naming, and eliminate errors before committing and pushing the code.
  • Led the team in created the entire responsive web, mobile, and tablet UI of the pages
  • Worked closely with the backend team to integrate APIs using RTK Query and ensure smooth communication between the frontend and backend.

Project Specs

Frontend Team Leader
React Native NextJs Redux TypeScript Chakra UI Tailwind CSS
Android Studio Xcode WebStorm